List and description of the equipment used for therapy.

Balance board 65x65 cm (75x75 cm for larger children) covered with non-slip material, with a semi-circular arc of 10 cm radius at the bottom and 4 legs to prevent injuries.
Skateboard 85x26 cm, on which the child can easily fit. It can be shop-bought, but it is important that it is stable, and if you buy it in a shop, the wheels should be tightened to prevent it from tipping sideways.
Strongly woven blanket to support the child's weight, two adults can safely lift and rock the child by the heels.
Függőágy, mely lehetőség szerint szintén erős vászonból készült, a gyermeket képes megtartani, és van lehetőség beltéri felfüggesztésére.
A gymnastic ball of at least 95 cm in diameter, up to 110 cm in diameter for older children.
Trampoline with a diameter of about 1 metre, indoor. A trampoline with a catcher slot or an outdoor trampoline is not suitable because it requires interruption of the therapy and will not have the desired effect.
Swivel armchair, which can be a normal armchair, an office armchair if a child can sit in it safely, or a swivel armchair for children.
In addition to the larger tools, we use cylinders, puzzles, shape-shifters, jump ropes, bean bags, stuffed animals, a full-size ball, rolling and tumbling sponges, which can be replaced with tools found in the household or in the child's toys.