What is the TSMT®?

TSMT® is an acronym for Targeted Sensory Motor Training®. The method was first developed by Katalin Lakatos Phd in 1984, which has evolved to its current structure, development, and as a result of her work by 2015.
TSMT® therapists have been trained in Hungary since 1992 at the Budapest Hydrotherapy Rehabilitation Gymnastics Foundation, and the method is known as individual, TSMT® I. TSMT® II therapy in groups and HRG therapy, a form of therapy that can be performed in water.

How do I know if my child needs therapy?

In all cases, therapy is a face-to-face development protocol based on composite test results. The test looks for a link between children's everyday symptoms and neuro-developmental differences.
In order to determine the need for therapy in children, it is necessary to examine the child, map the symptoms and gather sufficient information about the child. An effective therapeutic proposal can only be made after a face-to-face assessment.

What does an assessment consist of?

All assessment are preceded by a a questionnaire with anamnestic data, and the child Sensory processing questionnaire completed by the parent, which the therapist uses to prepare for the examination by gathering information about the period around conception, pregnancy, birth and the circumstances of the birth, and the period leading up to the birth.

During the test, the therapist will use the same tools used in therapy to carry out the child's Longitudinal complex analysis LongiKid®, which includes:

  • gross and fine movements
  • a graphomotor test at an appropriate age
  • testing social skills and cooperation
  • cognitive area
  • a basic sight, hearing and posture test
  • and tasks to test the maturity of the nervous system

This will be followed by the evaluation of the test using software, the results of which form the basis of the therapeutic proposal.

Completing questionnaires

The parent completes the two questionnaires

The therapist carries out the complex longitudinal assessment
Evaluation of the test

Based on the evaluation, therapy can be started

How does the therapy work?

The therapeutic tasks of the must be performed in the order, quantity, quality and at the intervals specified by the therapist.

The TSMT I. therapie mainly at home, a joint training of child and parent, in special cases, by a therapist several times a week in the therapy room or in the child's home. These training sessions are entirely are tailored to the child, the same training may be completely ineffective, possibly harmful or impractical for other children!

The therapist chooses the therapeutic tasks from hundreds of tasks, because only a targeted administration of stimuli can achieve a therapeutic effect. The therapist uses this targeted stimulation to help the child the maturation of the nervous system, which is adapted to the child's workload and level of development, alternating active and passive tasks using gymnastic equipment.

During therapy, the tasks are always done aloud, with a melody or a saying, accompanied by a rhythm, thus helping the child's development in the motor, psychological, cognitive and social areas.

The training aims at conscious symptom reduction.